Saturday, December 12, 2009

An easy remedy for food poisoning and indigestion

Food poisoning can be one of the worst experiences. It is hard to know what to do when we eat something that just doesn't sit well. Usually we are stuck just riding it out. Tibetan Medicine has an age old, very simple remedy for anytime food just isn't sitting well. You probably won't believe how simple it actually is. 

Here's the recipe:

1 and 1/3 cups of water
1/4 teaspoon of salt (preferably rock salt)

That's it! Boil them together until reduced by 1/3 cup. Pour it in your favorite mug and slowly sip it down.As the symptoms subside I recommend following up with a thin rice soup that has been boiled into a puree. This also helps clean and soothe the digestive system while gently reintroducing food to it.

This summer when we went to Tibet our teacher told us that anytime we had digestive discomfort related to the local fare to drink this decoction. I actually forgot about the suggestion through several episodes of digestive issues, but did remember when I actually had food poisoning. It was a pretty serious case, I'll spare you the details, but as soon as I drank one cup of this decoction all of the severe symptoms stopped immediately.

It can be used in general when it feels like you are not able to digest foods well, with symptoms of bloating and so on, however if you have long term symptoms it is best to see a qualified practitioner. Drinking a light salt decoction in the morning before eating can also clean your digestive system and result in lost weight, but I do no suggest using it long term. At most for a month or two or every once and awhile.

Please post any questions or comments below. Happy Holidays!


Natalie said...

Yeah! For increased digestive "fire", thanks to heat-promoting saltiness (according to Ayurvedic philosophy)...
That reminds me of an experience I had lately where I had a bout of nausea resulting from a massive headache and only had baking soda on hand to remedy it, it worked within a sip or two and I noted how salty this bicarbonate of sodium was, too!

Matthew Schmookler, TTMD, LMT said...

cool! Thanks for you comment :)

Bob said...

I get good results from indigestion by drinking a glass of water with 1tbsp of apple cider vinegar