Hello all the supporters of Tibetan Medicine.
I am using this venue to share some options for supporting those affected by the earthquake:
My root teachers monastery in Kham has been completely destroyed, now for the second time.
This is so hard to hear as this has been the 2nd rebuilt since the Chinese invasion. Many many monks, 25 as of yesterday have been killed and many injured, many were in 3 year retreat and over 50 are seriously injured.
To give help- see link below
Other options are through a friends NGO: Tibetan Village Project Here is the up-date as of today when he landed in Beijing to go assist on the ground, he is from Kham and so this hits really close to his heart.
Yushu Earthquake Response (YER) We are very sad to report that more than 600 people have died and an estimated 10,000 as result of powerful earthquake in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in the early morning of April 14. More than 85 percent of the houses in Jiegu, a town of 100,000 people nearest the epicenter, were destroyed. Tibetan Village Project has now arrived on the ground in nearby Xining and began to join efforts of other aid agencies and volunteers. From Chengdu: TVP volunteers in Chengdu have begin to collect supplies and equipment. First group of volunteers (10 Tibetan men) left Chengdu this evening (April 15th) with a truck full of supplies for Yushu. Volunteers also being sent to main hospitals in Chengdu where injured Yushu residents have been airlifted to. They have no family of friends in Chengdu so much support is needed. More volunteers are needed to translate and assist as many of the injured were Tibetans from Yushu area that do not speak Chinese. From Xining: Tamdin Wangdu and Chris Jones arrived in Xining today and they are helping to coordinate local NGO’s response and relief efforts led by Snowland Service’s Group (SSG) a Yushu Based NGO. The group decided to form a coalition of NGOs named Yushu Earthquake Response to coordinate a centralized volunteer effort. A new website will be created soon to offer information about what and how people can help. A group of volunteers led by Rinchen Dawa of SSG will leave Xining on April 16th for Yushu with supplies to setup a relief center in Yushu and to establish immediate need. | |
What you can do to help? At this point, cash donation is the quickest and the best way to help. It will help covering cost of medical supplies, tents, blankets, food, and water and trucks to deliver them by to Yushu. Please visit www.Tibetanvillageproject.org to contribute. In meantime TVP is encouraging others to recruit local Tibetan and Chinese doctors to send into Yushu area. At this point, it is unclear whether or not foreign volunteers are permitted to travel. | |
Donation by Mail Tibetan Village Project 10542 Kipling Place Westminster, CO 80021 Tibetan Village Project P.O. Box 417 Black Rock, 3193 Victoria, Australia. |
These are my friends, teachers and as a doctor it is my duty to try and help relieve suffering. If this brings one person inspiration to donate help for those in need that is enough to make me post here.
Thanks! Amchi Nashalla
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