This Month's Webcast Public Talk:
Topic: Conception and EmbryologySunday, May 1st, 2011 1-3pm
An introduction to the basic Tibetan medical theories regarding the conception of life, as well as the biological phases of fetal development inside a mother's womb. Buddhist concepts such as karma and consciousness play a major role in this explanation of the basis for human life.
To attend IN PERSON:
Location: Shang Shung Institute, 18 Schoolhouse Road, Conway, MA 01341
Cost: By donation
To attend BY WEBCAST:
Anyone with an ample internet connection and a web browser should be able to connect to this FREE service.
How does this work? Simply click on the following link, or type the following web address into your browser on the date of a public talk between the hours of 1pm and 3pm EST (Time zone of Boston or New York City):
If you live far from Conway, MA, don't forget to check your local time for this event before attending. You can do this on the following page:
If you would like to donate to the costs needed in order to help the Tibetan Medicine live webcast project continue, please click here to donate directly through the SSI-USA online store, or contact us directly at: or 413-369-4928.
Please feel free to write us with any questions or comments about this service at: Also, please feel free to pass this message along to anyone who you feel may be interested.
Thanks, and we look forward to continuing this service!
Shang Shung Institute - USA
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